The Paradigm Shift
Welcome to the secret world of skills monetization in the digital age that allows regular people to leverage their unique talents to create a passion business online and live or work whenever, wherever, and with whomever they want.
No matter your background, skills, niche, or industry, with Chance’s proven system and strategies, you can finally take what you’ve already learned, mastered, and love to do and create highly profitable products, programs, and services online.
Chance has studied over 110 of the top six and seven-figure earners and presents some of them in this book and course. Get inspired by the stories of regular moms, teachers, students, doctors, ministers, veterans, CPAs, and more to monetize your skills online.
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What Others Are Saying ...
Take a chance with Randrick! His book: Monetize your skills is perfect for anyone wanting to take what you know and turn it into cash in your bank account."
Bret Gregory
Attract Customers Now
"The real-life stories contained in this book serve to demonstrate and inspire anyone that they too can join other successful entrepreneurs and live life on their own terms. Regardless of background, education, or skill set, the entrepreneurial journey is open and waiting for all who are courageous enough to leap into its rewarding waters. If you haven't already considered becoming an entrepreneur, this book will leave you encouraged to do so!"
Sue Whyte
360 Abundance
The interviews that you have done are engaging, impressive and fascinating! Truly educational and revealing looks behind the scenes with entrepreneurs that provide ideas, information and motivation for anyone seeking to explore and achieve this way of life and work!
Your own personal story is equally valuable and for me, personally meaningful. It is really all about Freedom to be yourself and in the process, to be of Service to other people--it is a vision of making a difference in the world."
Roberta Lee Tennant, M.A.
Editor-in-Chief, Falcon Books Publisher, Ankh Press
You can feel, clearly, that everything in the book has been well-researched. In particular, I really liked the interviews with the people that the book holds up as great successes to learn from which makes up most of the middle portion of it. Highly recommended."
John North
Dr. Chance is a US Navy veteran, #1 bestseling author, speaker, minister, lifestyle coach, and implementation strategist. He has written and published 13 books, including eight (8) back-to-back #1 Amazon bestsellers and several online courses.
His vision is to educate, equip, and empower professionals, small business owners, ministry leaders, coaches, consultants, and aspiring entrepreneurs to monetize their skills by leveraging their education, expertise, and experiences into a 6-figure online business system. This allows them to make a lasting impact, fund their dreams, and sustain their mission, message, or cause.
He has been featured on diverse media outlets such as 3ABN, Amazing Facts TV, ABC, FOX, Entrepreneur on Fire; Wisdom Is Freedom Show, Veterans Leadership Podcast, Mashable, MSN, Get Healthy With Dr. Cooper and has spoken at Chambers of Commerce, Churches, Juvenile Detention Centers, Universities, and for charitable events.
Chance has traveled to over 26 countries and has extensive training in digital publishing, online marketing, non-profit administration, fundraising, product development, project management, and humanitarian operations. He’s a graduate of Central Texas College, Columbia College, American Graduate University, and Columbia International University.
He's an avid reader and loves soccer, writing, technology, and spending time with his B.M.W (Beautiful Marvelous Wife), Rhonitta, and their precious children. They make their home in Texas.
Dr. RL Chance, Strategic Secrets
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No one can predict how you will perform since everyone is different in terms of drive, discipline, implementation, etc. There are no claims to guaranteed results, and any that may be achieved may not be typical nor expected for every person. This is not for those looking for a "get rich quick" scheme.To be successful in any line requires work and application. Nothing on this site should be construed as “financial advice.” All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and its use is entirely up to you.
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